My only previous writing focused course at OU was English 151, which was very basic and required the standard five papers. That said, I have written quite a bit in most of my other classes since then. Generally, this includes research topics and short essays. I find the most rewarding writing assignments to be the ones that I am able to personally relate to in some way. It's easy to write about any random thing if I'm just trying to get through it, but it's definitely less of a chore if it's actually relavant. I find the most frustrating aspect of writing classes to be the pace. I hate having to take three weeks writing a paper that could be written over the course of a few days. In addition, I find it extremely frustrating that OU requires all students to take one of just a few junior composition classes. Not all students have the same writing abilities because of huge variation in majors and their requirements. I feel that with this setup, some students are held back as a result of the variance in skills. I think that it's really beneficial to students to have teachers who provide feedback when there is still room to correct and resubmit. I hope that I can learn something new about posting in wikipedia from this course. I am a little worried that the course seems to require a lot of extra work for each project. I hope to gain a greater appreciation for the peer review process, even though I think that at times it can be a tool that simply takes up time in class without any real benefit.
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